Thursday, 20 February 2014

“Co-pilot hijacked plane to expose brutal rule in Ethiopia” – Cousin

“Co-pilot hijacked plane to expose brutal rule in Ethiopia” – Cousin

February 19, 2014
by Abraha Belai,
SEATTLE – Amid a flurry of government propaganda to label the hijacker of an Ethiopian Airlines plane as mental patient, a family member of the co-pilot says her cousin was an activist who has been resentful of the stifling political repression in Ethiopia.Ethiopian Airlines plane hijacker
Speaking to the Ethiopian Satellite TV (ESAT) by phone on Wednesday, a female cousin of co-pilot Hailemedhin Abera Tegegn, who landed the passenger airliner in Geneva early on Monday and sought asylum there, said the measure was politically motivated, and not any other reason.
“He was living a comfortable life, and was a frequent traveler to the US and Europe. If he had the desire to live in the West, he had plenty of chances. But he was an activist who very much resented the gross human rights violations that the government is committing in the country,” she said.
The woman, who didn’t reveal her identity for fear of political retribution, said 31-year-old Hailemedhin Abera Tegegn and she would call each other frequently, and the co-pilot was very much opposed to the government because of lack of freedom, including harassing airlines employees to be members of the ruling party or lose their jobs.
“Many of his friends have been fired because they failed to toe the party lines,” she said, adding he was also resentful of the brutal measures the ruling party was taking against the Amhara in particular and the entire Ethiopian people in general.
Asked whether she is in contact with family members in Addis, she said the phone lines were blocked with all family members but one. “My uncle is virtually under house arrest as others are under surveillance. We have also learned that Airlines officials have come under fire, being threatened to reveal how come they kept dissidents in the business.”
Though in police custody in Geneva, the woman said several calls to her cousin were never answered.
“The government in Addis will definitely push the Swiss government to extradite my cousin. If they succeed, there is no doubt that they will cut him to pieces as he would expose their crimes if left free. All Ethiopians should rally to block any extradition attempts,” the woman said.
The pro-democracy Ethiopian Diaspora is considering to hire lawyers to defend the rights of the co-pilot, who is now hailed as a human rights champion among Ethiopian activists both at home and abroad.     
                                                                                      Posted by A.G

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

“Civil Society Cannot Exist in Ethiopia!” " Source"

SMNE Calls for Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) Board to Reject Ethiopia’s Re-application for Membership

February 18, 2014. Washington, DC. – Ethiopia is once again applying for membership in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI),[i] “a coalition of global countries, companies, investors and civil society working together to improve openness and accountable management of revenues from natural resources.”[ii]Countries that meet the EITI criteria for compliance by providing reconciled and audited reports of payments made by mining companies and revenues collected by the government in the sector can become “compliant members,” a status that helps attract foreign direct investment (FDI) in resource extraction. Other factors are also important, like a well-functioning civil society.
In 2010, Ethiopia’s application was denied based on Ethiopia’s enactment of theCharities and Society Proclamation (CSO), a law that aggressively targets civil society. According to the principles of EITI, an active, independent and robust civil society is essential for the protection of society from the excesses and harmful practices sometimes associated with unethical extractions of oil, gas and minerals; therefore, the lack of such was enough to reject Ethiopia. 
If one asks the people of Ethiopia about the state of civil society in Ethiopia four years later, most would ask, “What civil society? None can exist in this repressive environment!” If one asks Ethiopians whether their civil and human rights have improved in the last few years, most would say they have declined, not improved.
Just recently, Ato Asrat Tassie a leader of an opposition party, the former Secretary General of Unity for Democracy and Justice Party was imprisoned under the vaguely written anti-terrorism law, another law targeting civil society, for writing a well-known fact. What was that fact? He wrote about the lack of judicial independence in the courts. In Ethiopia, writing this or saying this publically is a crime. He recently was released, but most likely in exchange for his silence. For more information read the link article by Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam “In Kontempt of Ethiopia’s Kangaroo Kourt? A court of injustice or a court of cruel joke?
Ask religious leaders whether there is government interference in the practice of their religion, including in the choice of their own leaders? Ask opposition leaders, previous members of unions and associations like teachers, attorneys, journalists, and human rights activists whether they can operate independently anymore and you will find a paralyzed civil society.
On the other hand, if one asks whether the level of corruption and exploitation of the people, the land and the resources have increased or declined, most would assert that corruption has sky-rocketed, filling the pockets of those in power and their patronage networks with the financial gains from resource extraction. 
According to a comment from Global Financial Integrity related to their release of their study: Illicit Financial Outflows from Developing Countries Over the Decade Ending in 2009, they state: “The people of Ethiopia are being bled dry. No matter how hard they try to fight their way out of absolute destitution and poverty, they will be swimming upstream against the current of illicit capital leakage.”
They also report: “Ethiopia lost US11.7 billion in illegal capital flight from 2000-2009 and illicit financial outflows from Ethiopia nearly doubled in 2009 to US$3.26 billion—double the amount in the two preceding years—with the vast majority of that increase coming from corruption, kickbacks and bribery as revealed in a preliminary 2011 report by the Task Force for Financial Integrity and Economic Development. [iii]  All of this should be relevant to an important decision to be made in the coming weeks and months by EITI.
The Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia (SMNE) applauds EITI’s previous decision to decline Ethiopia’s admission based on Ethiopia’s failure to meet EITI’s standards, something that demonstrates that EITI’s principles have teeth to them. is a non-political and non-violent social justice movement of diverse people that advocates for freedom, justice, good governance and upholding the civil, human and economic rights of the people of Ethiopia, without regard to ethnicity, religion, political affiliation or other differences. The SMNE believes a more open, transparent and competitive market economy, supported by viable institutions and reasonable protections, which provides equal opportunity, will result in greater prosperity to the people rather than keeping it in the hands of a few political elites.
In a speech given to the U.S. Helsinki Commission Hearing on “The Link between Revenue Transparency and Human Rights”[iv] on April 22, 2010, Anthony Richter, a member of the International Board of EITI and chairman of the Governing Board of Revenue Watch Institute stated:
Decisions of the Board: The Case of Ethiopia: “In one of its most significant recent decisions the board declined to admit Ethiopia as an EITI candidate due to its excessive constraints on freedom of association. The board concluded that Ethiopia’s “Proclamation on Charities and Society” would prevent civil society groups from being sufficiently independent and meaningfully participate in the process. The board decided, in effect, not to admit Ethiopia “until the Proclamation on Charities and Society is no longer in place.” This is the only such instance in the history of EITI where a country has failed to be admitted and the grounds for this action was clearly rights-based.”
The Charities and Societies Proclamation (CSO) prohibits any organization from legally functioning in key areas of advocacy work if it received more than 10% of its budget from foreign sources. This law has made it illegal for these groups to a) advance human and democratic rights, b) promote equality of nations, nationalities, peoples, gender and religion, c) promote rights to the disabled and children, d) promote conflict resolution or reconciliation and, e) promote the efficiency of justice and law enforcement services. The law carries harsh criminal penalties for violators and it has made it literally impossible for civil society to exist in this hostile environment.
Although the Ethiopian government will claim the law is regulatory rather than repressive, the effect has made it virtually impossible for Ethiopian civil society to fulfill its much-needed role—still a requirement for EITI membership. In fact, the implementation of the CSO law resulted in the closure of most every independent civic organization; at last tally this included over 2,600 organizations. The effect continues; however, because democratic institutions, even if in name only, often bring benefits in this global world, the regime has replaced those that have closed down with their own pseudo-organizations. These are all controlled by the government and meant to appear legitimate to outsiders while really serving the purposes of power-holders—all at the expense of the people.    
Now, four years later, Ethiopia is once again attempting to become an EITI compliant country. It has announced its intention to implement the EITI standards within Ethiopia; however, the same CSO law will be a stumbling block as the law[v] remains intact and repressive conditions have only worsened in the country. It is doubtful that this opportunistic and authoritarian regime would be willing to make the kind of concessions that would bring them into true compliance as their pattern, especially since 2008, has been to exclude all but themselves and their cronies from enjoying the benefits of Ethiopian resources.
In the past and present, the people of Ethiopia have suffered gross human rights violations, displacement, the loss of livelihoods and their lives as a result of resource and land-grabbing.[vi] This continues to be associated with regions of the country where there are resources—in the Ogaden, in the Omo Valley, in Gambella, on the border of the Amhara region and Sudan, in the Afar region, in Oromia, in the South and in too many places to mention. The problem is endemic to the flawed system which promotes it. Contracts are secretive or so vague they mean little. Locals are often unable to participate. 
For example, a recently passed amendment[vii] (12/31/2013) to a mining law now blocks artisan miners working in cooperative unions from operating any longer. Previously, licenses to engage in artisanal mining could be obtained by individuals, if gathered in groups of ten or more, forming a cooperative union. Mining licenses were available from regional authorities for land ranging from 5,000sqm to 10,000sqm and money could be borrowed from micro finance institutions (MFIs). They could reserve or “claim areas” and obtain exclusive claim licenses. Currently, a total of 75,000 to 100,000 miners have been organized into cooperatives and 50,000 as micro and small enterprises (MSE’s). Now, they will be replaced by only micro and small enterprises (MSE’s[viii]). What recourse do they have as many lose their livelihood? These artisan miners have little voice and the watchdogs of civil society are absent.
In the Ogaden region[ix] of the country, which has been called a silent Darfur in the past, oil and gas companies have come and gone while the entire area has been blocked to humanitarian organizations and human rights groups.Companies involved in the region in the past were operating as the government cracked down on the people, contributing to the incitement of a rebel movement.
 In November of 2012, the former head of the Ministry of Mines, Sinkinesh Ejigu, signed a new petroleum production sharing agreement[x] with Poly GCL Petroleum Ltd, a Chinese company, for the Ogaden basin’s Calub and Hilala gas reserves. This is all going on while transparency is absolutely blocked. What kind of accountability is this?
Control of civil society, the recruitment of their members and utilizing them to deliver regime propaganda did not start with the more draconian CSO law or Anti-terrorism law, but it has been integral to a plan adopted and implemented by the ruling party in 1993, according to inside sources familiar with the inner workings of the ruling party, the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), which is controlled by the Tigrayan Peoples’ Liberation Front (TPLF), in power since 1991.
That plan, TPLF/ERPDF’s Strategies for Establishing its Hegemony and Perpetuating its Rulelaid out specific ways to achieve control of such groups as women’s associations, youth associations, cooperatives, professional associations, peace organizations, human rights organizations, development associations, workers’ associations, trade unions and government organizations like the army, the security, and the judiciary.[Section VI].
In summary, the acceptance of Ethiopia as a member of the EITI brings with it a desirable tool in attracting potential oil, gas and mining companies as well as global investment institutions; however, the people of Ethiopia have seen the disenfranchisement of the people, the disintegration of civil society and its institutions and the favored status of power holders increasingly enjoying the benefits of Ethiopian resources. The exclusion of the majority of Ethiopians has led to resentment and increasing tensions within the country, which could explode into violence according to organizations like Genocide Watch and the International Crisis Group.
It is doubtful that the Ethiopian government under the current leadership will make the broad changes required not only to address these tensions but to meet the criteria of EITI membership.
To do so they would have to rescind the CSO and the Anti-terrorism law that have both been used to silence civil society along with individual voices of truth, democracy and freedom. Ethiopians do take heart when organizations like the EITI hold fast to their principles, giving real consequences to repressive governments like our own for their failure to free up civil society. Then we know that the people of Ethiopia have been heard and it helps in our own struggle towards a more democratic Ethiopia. 
We in the SMNE continue to work towards achieving meaningful reforms, the restoration of justice and the reconciliation necessary to create a better future for the people of Ethiopia. We look for major indicators of change within Ethiopia that will eventually bring stellar compliance with the standards of the EITI, but the changes must be real, not simply pretense. We condemn the constant diet of deception that has become the trademark of the EPRDF since they came into power. The illusion of a well-functioning civil society will never protect the people of Ethiopia. Until genuine changes are made, we strongly urge the EITI to continue to uphold EITI’s important principles, standards and demands.

[i]  Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
[ii]Ibid; Download for a fact sheet “What is the EITI?”
[v] ; CSO Law Stumbling block in Mining Transparency Application; Eleni Araya, Fortune, 9/22/2013
[vi] ; Joint Report from Oakland Institute and SMNE Sounds Alarm on Foreign Agri-Investments in Food Insecure Ethiopia
[vii] ; New Mining Amendments Favour MSEs Ahead of Cooperatives; BINYAM ALEMAYEHU, FORTUNE STAFF WRITer
[ix] : War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in  the Ogaden area of Ethiopia’s Somali Region
                                                                                                           Posted by A.G

Saturday, 15 February 2014

ተዋርዶ መገዛት ይብቃን! Source ""

የወያኔ ሹማምንትና አደርባይ ሎሌዎቻቸው አንገቱን አስደፍተው የሚገዙትንና የሚዘርፉትን ህዝብ ይበልጥ ስብእናውን አዋርደው ሊገዙት ለምን እንደሚፈልጉ የማይገባን ጥቂቶች አይደለንም። እነዚህን ግፈኞች ቀረብ ብሎ ላያቸው ግን ይህ ድርጊታቸው እንቆቅልሽ አይደለም።
ከቅርብ ጊዜ ወዲህ ህዝብ አይሰማንም ብለው በር ዘግተው ከሚያካሂዷቸው ጉባኤዎች እያፈተለኩ የሚወጡ የቪዲዮና የድምጽ መረጃዎች የነዚህን ግፈኞች ስነ ህሊና ግልጽ አድርገው ያሳያሉ።
ከወራት በፊት የሶማሊያ ክልል ፕሬዝዳንት የሀገር ሽማግሌ ሰብስቦ የወያኔ አላማ ከእሱ ጎሳ ጋር ተባብሮ ሌላውን ብሄረሰብ የበታች አድርጎ መግዛት መሆኑን ሲናገር የሚያሳይ ቪዲዮ ተመልክተን ነበር። የክልሉን ህዝብ የሚጨፈጭፈው ለዚህ ሲባል መሆኑን ለማሳመን ነበር በሩን ዘግቶ የተናገረው።
ሰሞኑን ደግሞ አንድ የአማራ ክልል የወያኔ ሹምና ሎሌ አንደ እንደሶማሌ ሹም ካድሬዎቹን ሰብስቦ በአማራው ህዝብ ላይ ተሳለቀ፤ ለ እግራቸው ጫማ የላቸውም በሚላቸው የአማራው ተወላጅ ላይ ለሰሚ በሚሰቀጥጥ ቋንቋ ያወርደው የነበረ ስድብ የሚነግረን ተጨማሪ ነገር ተመሳሳይ የወያኔን ምንነትን ነው።
እነዚህ ግፈኞች በህዝብ ላይ የሚሰሩትን አዋርዶ የመግዛት ግፍና ዝርፊያ አሳምረው ያውቃሉ። ከዚበላይ ደግሞ የዚህ ሁሉ ንቀትና ጥላቻሰለባ የሆነው ህዝብ እንደሚጠላቸውና ቀን እንደሚጠብቅላቸው ያውቃሉ። ስለዚህም ህዝቡን ይፈሩታል። ከፍርሃታቸው የሚያስታግስላቸው ህዝቡን ይበልጥ ቅስሙን ለመስበር ከቻሉ ስለሚመስላቸው በተዘጋ ቤት ውስጥ እየተሳለቁ ያስጨበጭባሉ።
የወያኔ ሹማምንት የህዝብ ብሶትና እሮሮ ማየሉን ሲሰሙ መልሰው ህዝቡን የሚሰድቡትና የሚያጠቁት፣ እንዲሁም ግንቦት 7 ሲጠነክርባቸውና የመውደቂያ ቀናቸው ሲያስቡ አሸባሪ ብለው የሚሸበሩትም ለዚህ ነው።
ህዝቡ ቅስሙ ከተሰበረ ሰላም ያገኙ ይመስላቸዋል። ወያኔዎችና የሲቪል ሰርቪስ ሎሌዎቻቸው በር ዘግተው በተሰበሰቡ ቁጥር ይህንን ፍራቻቸውን የሚያስታምሙት ህዝቡን ቅስሙን መስበራቸውን ለማረጋገጥ በሚያካሄዱት ወይይት ነው። ለዚህ ነው ህዝባችን እርስ በርሱ የሚባላበትን፤ እርስ በርሱ ጎሪጥ የሚተያይበትን መንገድ ሲቀይሱ የሚውሉት በዚህ ምክንያት ነው።
ወያኔዎች በየክልሉ እንደ አለምነው መኮነን አይነት ከጭንቅላታቸው፣ከህሊናቸው ይልቅ አፋቸው የሚቀድም ጥራዝ ነጠቅ ሎሌዎችን የሚያሰማሩትም የህዝብን ቅስም የሰበሩ አየመስላችዉ ነው::
 ወያኔና ሎሌዎቹ ህዝብየሚያታልሉበት ካርድ ከእንግዲህ አልቋል። አዋርደውናል፣ ገድለውናል፣ አስረውናል፣ አስርበውናል፣ ለስደት ዳርገዉናል፣ አለያይተውናል። ከዚህ በላይ ምን ሊያደርጉን ይችላሉ? ስለዚህ ቀኑ መሽቶባቸዋል እና በፍጥነት  ሊወገዱ ይገባል
በዚህ ወሳኝ ወቅት ሁሉም የኢትዮጵያዊ እንደ አንድ ህዝብ በአንድ ላይ በመነሳት የወያኔ ጉጅሌና አጎብጓቢ ሎሌዎቻቸው ያዘጋጁልንን ወጥመድ መስበርና ክብራችንን ማስመለስ ይኖርብናል። ሁሉም ኢትዮጵያዊ በተዘጋው የወያኔ በር እየተዋረደ፣ እየተገረፈ ነውና።
ግንቦት 7 እንደሁልግዜው ዘላቂ መፍትሄ የሆነው ዴሞክራሲያዊ አንድነታችን እንዲጎለብት፣ ማንነታችን ክብራችን እንጂ መሳለቂያ እንዳይሆን በተባበረ ሃይላችን የክብራችን ባለቤት እንድንሆን ጥሪውን ያቀርባል።
በተባበረ ሃይላችን ክብረ-ስብእናችንን እናስመልስ! ተዋርዶ መኖር ይብቃን! በቃ!
ድል ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ!!!
                                                                                                                                                         posted by A.G

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Saving Ethiopia From the Chopping Block . ( " Source ")

February 3, 2014
Today we come face to face with the evil Meles Zenawi has done when he lived
WE live in a time that gives new meaning to Shakespeare’s line in Julius Caesar: “The evil that men do lives after them…” Today we come face to face with the evil Meles Zenawi has done when he lived. A piece of Ethiopia is retailed once again to the Sudan. They call it “border demarcation.” I call it call it border slicing, dicing and pricing — all for thirty pieces of silver!
We are here today to help stop Meles Zenawi from completing his evil plans to dismember our motherland. When Meles gave away the Port of Assab, we remained silent and paid the price of being landlocked. In 1998, Badme was invaded and 80,000 Ethiopians sacrificed their lives and drove back the enemy. But Meles promptly converted Ethiopia’s battlefield victory into total diplomatic defeat by agreeing to deliver Badme to the invaders in arbitration… (Today) we are told by people who live in Western Ethiopia that Meles has delivered their ancestral lands and homes to Sudanese dictator [and fugitive from justice at the International Criminal Court] Omar al-Bashir in a secret agreement…
I deeply regret that six years after I gave that speech, we have not been able to thwart Meles’ evil plans to dismember our motherland. Meles is gone and we now face the evil that lives after him. Is it true that “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men and women do nothing”? Has evil finally triumphed?
Ethiopia on the Meles Zenawi’s chopping block
In December 2013, Sudanese foreign minister Ali Karti announced that the ruling regimes in Ethiopia and the Sudan “have ended their border disagreement on ‘Fashaga’ area” and “agreed to resolve all their border demarcation disputes.” Karti said the leaders of the two regimes have “signed a historical document putting the final demarcation lines.” Sudan’s foreign ministry rejected any suggestion of “border disputes” between Ethiopia and the Sudan indicating only that there were minor disagreements on “limited points at the border”. The public relations strategy of the regime in Ethiopia over the past weeks has been to been to underplay the “border demarcation issue” and overplay the “enormous significance” of the “strategic framework agreement” which allegedly includes “cooperation agreements on security, economic, agricultural, educational and cultural levels.”
In 2001, the reasons given for the “border demarcation” were quite different. The Sudanese regime at the time explained the demarcation was necessary to “‘develop and integrate’ Al-Qadarif State with Tigray State in northern Ethiopia… The two regions were agriculturally productive, with Al-Qadarif, considered to be the ‘bread basket’ of Sudan… The existing road from Al-Qadarif to Mekele… is being repaired and upgraded… Tigray State would benefit through having better access to the Red Sea, as the road to Al-Qadarif connected to Port Sudan. ‘That makes Port Sudan closer to Mekele than the Eritrean port of Massawa or the Somali port of Berbera…”
In 2008, Meles Zenawi wagged his forked tongue dripping with lies about the “agreement” with the Sudan. In May of that year, his foreign ministry first put out a statement categorically denying any agreement for the transfer of any Ethiopian land to the Sudan. That statement accused alarmist “media” and “irresponsible” elements outside the country for creating fear and panic. Sudanese officials contradicted that statement by  publicly announcing “acquisition of territory” from Ethiopia. By mid-May, Meles and his henchmen could not keep a lid on the secret land transfer deal and began backtracking on their initial story. They said only preliminary work on border demarcation had been done, but nothing had been finalized. Within days, Meles and Co., had invented a brand new lie. They casually admitted to “implementing prior agreements” concluded by the imperial/Derg regimes with the Sudan.
Their lies began to unravel even more when the Ethio-Sudan Border Affairs Committee began to aggressively probe the issue and investigate what was really happening on the ground in the affected border areas. Ethiopians victimized by Meles’ land giveaway to the Sudan began giving interviews to the Voice of America and other international media outlets. The victims complained bitterly that they had been driven out of their ancestral lands by occupying Sudanese forces. Their farm equipment and tools had been confiscated by Sudanese forces and scores of Ethiopians had been arrested and detained in Sudanese jails. At that point, Meles had no choice but to “fess” up and admit that he had indeed signed an agreement with Sudan.
On May 21, 2008 Meles publicly described his agreement with Bashir as follows:
We, Ethiopia and Sudan, have signed an agreement not to displace any single individual from both sides to whom the demarcation benefits…We have given back this land, which was occupied in 1996. This land before 1996 belonged to Sudanese farmers. There is no single individual displaced at the border as it is being reported by some media.”
In November 2008, more conclusive evidence was revealed in a Wikileaks cable. “Former TPLF Central Committee member and former Defense Minister Seeye Abraha told” American embassy officials in Addis Ababa that in a move to deal with “on-going tensions between Ethiopia and Sudan”, Meles had turned over land to the Sudan “which has cost the Amhara region a large chunk of territory” and that Meles’ regime had tried to “sweep the issue under the rug.”
Meles then and his flunkies today insist on keeping that agreement “under the rug”. However, Meles’ 2008 public statement on the “agreement” he “signed” with Bashir reveals some valuable indications. By Meles’ own admission, there is no question that as of May 2008 there existed a formal “signed agreement” between himself  and Bashir which memorialized detailed terms and conditions of the “land giveback”. As to the subject matter of the “agreement”, Meles put on the record a number of important issues. The “agreement” 1) pertains to questions of non-displacement of persons in the giveaway territories; 2) addresses preservation of benefits of all persons affected by the border demarcation;  3) restores ownership rights to Sudanese farmers on land supposedly occupied illegally by Ethiopian farmers; and 4) in its entirety cedes territory (“give back of land”) illegally “occupied” by Ethiopians “in 1996” back to the Sudan.
It is important to understand and underscore the fact that the “agreement” Meles and Bashir “signed”, by Meles’ own description  and admission, has nothing to do with the so-called Gwen line of 1902 (“Anglo-Ethiopian Treaty of 1902” setting the “frontier between the Sudan and Ethiopia”). It also has nothing to do with any other agreements drafted or concluded by the imperial government prior to 1974, or the Derg regime between 1975 and 1991 for border demarcation or settlement. Meles’ “agreement”, by his own admission, deals exclusively with border matters and related issues beginning in 1996, when presumably the occupation of Sudanese land by Ethiopians took place under Meles’ personal watch.
Why do they insist on keeping secret and refuse to make public “agreements” that have given a “large chunk” of Ethiopian territory to the Sudan? 
The whole “border demarcation” canard (hoax) fabricated by Meles and Hailemariam is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. The real deal went down in 2008. There is no question whatsoever that Meles signed, sealed and delivered a “large chunk of territory in the Amhara region” to the Sudan and tried to “sweep the issue under the rug.” In 2014, the marionette prime minster Hailemariam Desalegn is staging another elaborate political theatre to continue Meles’ charade and trying to “sweep the issue under the rug” forever more.
Hailemariam and his puppet masters think they can hoodwink, dupe and bamboozle the Ethiopian public. They think Ethiopians are too dumb and stupid not to see through their smoke and mirrors land giveaway games. They can play their foolish games all they want, but Hailemariam has to answer one question: “Where are the secret “agreement(s)” that have given up a ‘large chunk of territory in the Amhara region’?” Why did Meles in 2008 and Hailemariam and Co., today insist on keeping the secret agreement(s) secret from the public ‘by sweeping them under the rug”?  Why are they not willing to present the “agreements” to the parliament (“Council of Representatives) for ratification as mandated by the Ethiopian Constitution?
The answer is simple: The secret “agreement” Meles talked about in 2008 and Hailemariam babbles about today are not what they are  portrayed it to be. They are all lies. Of course, to say Meles lies is to mention his name,  MeLies. They all lie through their teeth. If Meles’ and Hailemariams’ public statements on their “agreements” truly reflect the words in the written “agreements” they signed with Bashir, what possible harm could come from making the actual “agreements” public? Wouldn’t the actual written “agreement(s)” be the best evidence of the truth or falsehood of Meles’ and Hailemariam’s public statements?
Secrecy is the lifeblood of the ruling regime in Ethiopia. They think by keeping things secret, they have fooled everyone. Meles when he was alive and his lackeys today have such total contempt for the intelligence of the Ethiopian people that they truly believe they can pull the wool over the people without detection or scrutiny. When Meles and his gang delivered the Port of Assab and Badme on a silver platter, few muttered their objections. Meles and his gang learned an important lesson from that: Ethiopia is their private estate and they can do whatever they pleased with Ethiopians or Ethiopian territory with impunity.
Any “agreement” by Meles/Hailemariam to relinquish any part of Western Ethiopian territory to the Sudan is unconstitutional
Back in May 2008, I argued that Meles has no legal authority to hand over Ethiopian land to the Sudan, or for that matter anyone else. Today, Hailemariam also has no legal right or authority to turn over Ethiopian land to the Sudan. Having said that, there is no question that Meles has “signed” an “agreement” to relinquish a “large chunk of territory in the Amhara region” to the Sudan. Hailemariam and his puppet masters are now trying to make us swallow this illegal land transfer by sweet talk of a “strategic framework agreement”. The fact of the matter is that any transfer of Ethiopian land to the Sudan or any other country by the regime in power today is without any legal basis under the Ethiopian Constitution or international law.
The threshold legal question is whether a secretly concluded international agreement in violation of Article 12 of the Ethiopian Constitution can pass constitutional  muster. Meles, while he was alive, and his successors today have defiantly concealed the actual text of  the so-called “agreements” with Bashir  from the general public and the Council of Representatives. Under Article 12 of the Ethiopian Constitution, Meles and his successors have a strict duty of accountability. Article 12 (“Functions and Accountability of Government”) provides, “The activities of government shall be undertaken in a manner which is open and transparent to the public… Any public official or elected representative shall be made accountable for breach of his official duties.” Meles and his successors as “public officials” have an affirmative constitutional duty to perform their duties in an open and transparent manner. Secret deals to hand over a significant slice of the country’s territory without full public disclosure of the terms and conditions and without formal ratification by the Council is a clear violation of Article 12.
The are several core legal questions that arise from the “signing” of the purported “agreements” by Meles and his successor: 1) Whether Meles and/or Hailemariam has independent constitutional authority to sign a binding “agreement” (treaty) on behalf of Ethiopia. 2) Whether any “agreement” by Meles and/or Hailemariam have any legal significance under the Ethiopian Constitution.  3) Whether any “agreement(s)” entered into by Meles and Hailemariam are biding upon a successive legitimate Ethiopian government under international law. 4) Whether any territory seized by the Sudan under any “agreements” signed by Meles and/or Hailemariam could properly be characterized as an “occupied territory” by the Sudan under international law.
Article 51, section (4) of the Ethiopian Constitution specifies that one of the “powers and duties of the Federal government” is to “determine foreign policy and implement the same. [It also] enters into and ratifies international agreements.” The general foreign relations powers of the “federal government” are divided between executive management of the foreign policy field, and ratification of “international agreements” by the parliament. Article 55 (12) specifically reserves as one of the exclusive “powers and duties of the Council of Peoples’ Representatives”, the power to “ratify international agreements signed by the executive branch.”
The land giveaway “agreements” signed by Meles and Hailemariam are in flagrant violation of Article 55(12).  Meles and Hailemariam may negotiate agreements with other governments and even sign them. Their constitutional power is expressly limited to negotiating, drafting and signing international agreements. However, any “agreements” with other governments signed by Meles or Hailemariam are not worth the paper they are written on unless the Council of Representatives ratifies them as required under Article 55 (12).
It is undisputed that both Meles and Hailemariam have not only failed and willfully refused to present the “agreements” with the Sudan for ratification to the Council. They have also defiantly declined to extend the simple courtesy of presenting the “agreements” for parliamentary review and discussion. Failure to present the “agreements” to the Council for ratification is a gross violation of constitutional separation of powers principle and a flagrant interference in the ratification powers of the Council.
Article 86 describes the “principles of foreign relations” the “federal government” (the prime minister and the Council of Peoples’ Representatives) must follow in conducting Ethiopia’s relations with other countries and international entities. Sections 2 and 3 of Article 86 provide that the federal government must follow a foreign policy “based on equality and mutual benefit; ensuring that international agreements entered into, protect the interests of Ethiopia” and further requires “respect [for] international laws and agreements that respect Ethiopian sovereignty and are not contrary to the interests of its peoples.”
It is manifest that the only reason Meles and Hailemariam have chosen to keep the “agreements” they signed with the Sudan secret is because those “agreements” are patently and manifestly offensive to Ethiopian sovereignty. They keep the “agreements” secret because it can be objectively shown that they put Ethiopia at a distinct disadvantage and are completely contrary to the interests of the Ethiopian people. There is absolutely no other reason to keep the agreements secret! Alternatively, they can disclose the secret agreements and disprove my claim that those “agreements” are based on inequality and to the singular disadvantage of Ethiopia.
Article 9 (“Supremacy of the Constitution”) of the Ethiopian Constitution provides that the “Constitution is the supreme law of the land. All laws, customary practices, and decisions made by state organs or public officials inconsistent therewith, shall be null and void… All citizens, state organs, political organizations, other associations and their officials, have the duty to comply with this Constitution and abide by it… Assuming power in any manner other than as provided by this Constitution is prohibited.”
Any “agreement”, “treaty”, “pact” or “deal” with any government concluded by Meles and Hailemariam in violation of Articles 12, 55(12), 86(2)(3) are “null and void”.
Is an agreement “Null and Void” under the Ethiopian Constitution binding on any legitimate successive Ethiopian government and enforceable against Ethiopia under international law?
Article 9 (4) of the Ethiopian Constitution states, “International agreements ratified by [by the Council of Representatives] Ethiopia are an integral part of the law of the land.” What about “international agreements that are not ratified [by the Council of Representatives] by Ethiopia?
One need not be a constitutional scholar to answer this question: International agreements that are not ratified by the Council of Representatives are not worth the paper they are written on! No future legitimate Ethiopian government is bound by “null and void” “agreements”; and under international law, Ethiopia reserves the right to denounce any such agreements and demand removal of Sudanese occupation forces from Ethiopian territory at an international tribunal.
While international law favors effectuation of treaty obligations between states (principle of “pacta sunt servanda” or “agreements must be kept”), it also fully recognizes specific legal grounds for a state to denounce (terminate) or withdraw from an agreement if it can prove the existence of improper or wrongful circumstances at or during  the time of entry into agreement. The Vienna Convention on Treaty Law which governs resolution of treaty disputes provides various grounds for invalidation of treaties. Article 46 (1), (2) (“Invalidity of Treaties”) recognize invalidation of “agreements” that are concluded in violation of the “internal laws” of a state party:
A State may not invoke the fact that its consent to be bound by a treaty has been expressed in violation of a provision of its internal law regarding competence to conclude treaties as invalidating its consent unless that violation was manifest and concerned a rule of its internal law of fundamental importance.
A violation is manifest if it would be objectively evident to any State conducting itself in the matter in accordance with normal practice and in good faith.
Article 49 provides that “if a State has been induced to conclude a treaty by the fraudulent conduct of another negotiating State, the State may invoke the fraud as invalidating its consent to be bound by the treaty.” Article 50 enables a state to invalidate an agreement if the “treaty has been procured through the corruption of its representative directly or indirectly by another negotiating State.” If coercion has been used either against the state or the representative of the state in procuring the agreement, such coercion is a further basis for invalidation of a treaty.
What is incontrovertible about the purported agreements executed by Meles and Hailemariam is that both individuals concluded “agreements” that are “null and void” under the Ethiopian Constitution as demonstrated above. The only remaining  questions are 1) whether the ratification requirement of Article 55 (12) was “objectively manifest” to the Sudanese regime at the time of the signing of the “agreements”;  2) whether there was “corruption”  and “fraud” in the “agreement” process and 3) whether there was conduct that amounted to “coercion” in the negotiation or agreement process.
There is little doubt that the requirement of legislative ratification in Ethiopia was “objectively evident” to Bashir when he signed the “agreements”; and no ratification took place in the Ethiopian Council of representatives as required. Sudan has a legal duty under the Vienna Convention to undertake due diligence in the ratification process of the Ethiopian state. Sudan “conducting itself in the matter in accordance with normal practice and in good faith” would have easily discovered the particular ratification requirement. In light of the total secrecy surrounding the “agreements” and all of the smoke and mirrors gamesmanship, it is reasonable to assume that future investigations into the negotiations and drafting of the purported “agreements” will yield substantial evidence of “corruption, fraud and coercion”.
Other constitutional issues negating the validity of the “agreements” to give away Ethiopian lands to the Sudan
Meles and Hailemariam have also violated the collective rights of the people living in the “large chunk of territory in the Amhara region” that has been given away to the Sudan. The “agreements” effectively invalidate Article 39 (right of nations, nationalities and peoples) of the Ethiopian Constitution by imposing upon the people living in the territory transferred to the Sudan by forcibly separating them from Ethiopia without their consent. Neither Meles nor Hailemariam have the constitutional power to do a land give back” or to bargain away the territory and the nationality of the people living in those areas, or to unilaterally force upon the “nationalities and peoples” in that area an “agreement” over which they have not been consulted or asked to decide in a referendum. Under interntional law, a state has an obligation to consult the inhabitants of a territory before ceding sovereignty over it. No such consultation occurred before Meles and Hailemariam turned over “a large chunk of territory in the Amhara region” to the Sudan.
Moreover, Article 2 of the Ethiopian Constitution  provides that “the territory of Ethiopia shall, as determined by international agreements, comprise of the borders of the member states of the Federation.” This constitutional language implicates a direct role for the “member states” as their internal and external borders are determined and set. It is manifest that Article 2 requires a plebiscite (vote of the people) in the “Amhara region” before the “agreement” with the Sudan could be effectuated by any organ of the Ethiopian “federal” government.
Not all that concerned about an illegal agreement with the Sudan
I am dismayed but not overly concerned about the validity of illegal agreements concluded by Meles &  Hailemariam and Co. There are many known unknowns about the so-called agreements. We know they concluded the “agreements” with cloak and dagger secrecy because they are hiding something big, but what exactly they are hiding is unknown. We know there is corruption in securing the “agreements” but the magnitude and depth of corruption is unknown. We know there is deception in securing the “agreements”, but the slickness of deception is unknown. We know there is fraud in the agreement, but the breadth and scope of the fraud is unknown. We know there are all sorts of shenanigans in the agreements, but the medley of tricks, chicanery and  intrigue is unknown. In time, the secret “agreements” will be laid bare and the truth revealed. For “Truth will not remain forever on the scaffold, nor wrong sit forever on the throne.”
The territorial integrity of Ethiopia is simply and absolutely non-negotiable. Meles Zenawi, Hailemariam Desalegn —  whoever — can pretend to play their game of Ethiopian land giveaway to the Sudan, Saudi or Indian “investors”. The fact of the matter is that they have as much right to give away Ethiopian land as Jesse James and his gang to give away the banks they robbed.
There is an ancient land called Ethiopia that is our motherland. Ethiopia cannot be sliced into “kilils”, diced into “ethnic federalism” or priced into a border “agreement”. When it comes to the territorial integrity of Ethiopia, there is no Oromo Ethiopia, Amhara Ethiopia, Tigre Ethiopia, Gurage Ethiopia… or Gambella Ethiopia. There is simply the people of Ethiopia.  We must unite around the  territorial integrity of the motherland and the indivisibility of the Ethiopian people. We must remain vigilant so that the evil that lurks in the grave remains in the grave. Let no tyrant — tin pot dictator — put asunder what God has put together: One Ethiopia Today. One Ethiopia Tomorrow. One Ethiopia Forever.
Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam teaches political science at California State University, San Bernardino and is a practicing defense lawyer.
Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam teaches political science at California State University, San Bernardino and is a practicing defense lawyer.
Previous commentaries by the author are available at:
Amharic translations of recent commentaries by the author may be found at:
                                                                                                            Posted by A.G